Online applications are invited by the International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI), Hyderabad for the recruitment of Technical Assistants, Assistants and Technicians posts on direct recruitment basis. The selection process will consist of written test / trade test / skill test.
1. Technical Assistant 'A' : 1 post.
Qualification : Applicants must have Graduation in Physical Sciences with Physics / Chemistry as one of the subjects or 3 years Diploma in Metallurgical / Mechanical / Ceramic Engineering.
Age : Not more than 30 years.
Pay scale : Rs. 54, 126 per month.
2. Assistants 'A' : 5 posts (Admin. / Finance / Stores and Secretarial Works).
Qualification : Graduation in in relevant discipline.
Experience : Minimum 3 years in relevant field.
Age : Below 28 years.
Pay scale : Rs. 45,384 per month.
3. Technicians 'A' : 5 posts.
Qualification : Applicants must have passed in Matriculation / 10th class or its equivalent with 2 years ITI in the branch of Mechanical (Fitter / Turner / Machinist / Welder), Electrical / Electronics and Instrumentation.
Experience : Minimum 3 years.
Pay scale : Rs. 40,167 per month.
The application fee is Rs. 300 for General and OBC Candidates and Rs. 150 for SC / ST / EWS / PWD (Divyangjan) / Women candidates. The application fee should be paid in the form of DD drawn in favour of "ARCI, Hyderabad" which should sent by speed post to the "Human Resource Development", International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI), RCI-Airport Road, Hyderabad - 500 005., Telangana State.
Candidates are required to apply online through website : Closing date for the registration of online application is 30th December, 2019. Written test will be held at Hyderabad. For more details see website.